
Exploring the Future of Photography in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Introduction: The Lens and the Algorithm Exploring the future of photography in the age of artificial intelligence begins by summarizing the benefits and controversies. Then I will expand on each one and hopefully provide an accurate account of my research into this exciting and scary new world. In the vast realm of technological progress, only […]

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Photography’s Golden Hour – Capturing Stunning Images with Magical Light

Introduction To The Golden Hour Of Photography What is Photography”s Golden Hour? Photography’s Golden Hour (Magic Hour) refers to the period shortly after sunrise or before sunset. For roughly an hour during this period, the natural light is softer, warmer and diffused. This magical hour offers photographers a unique and captivating quality of light that

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Best Camera Lenses – The Ultimate Guide To Photographic Excellence

The best camera lenses aren’t always fixed focal length lenses. Fixed focal length lenses provide better shallow depth of field than zoom lenses. But zoom lenses achieve outstanding results compared to the cheaper priced prime lenses. Image sensors these days provide amazing quality even in low light. Depth of field has improved thanks to image

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Best Techniques When Shooting Landscape Photography

The best techniques when shooting landscape photography help define your work. Have you ever wondered why landscape photographs are so amazing? What is it about landscape photos that keeps your eyes glued to them? In short, it’s the tools you’ll learn in this article. Keep reading to learn the best techniques for shooting landscape photography.

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